
The Endobariatric Guarantee


With Endobariatric and Dr. Alvarez, you get our 5 Star unconditional guarantee:

Satisfaction Guaranteed Mexico

Disney-like treatment. From the moment you get picked up in San Antonio until three days later when you return for your flight (or drive) home, you will be treated like one of our family.

Simple one-price payment.  Your hotel and hospital stays, the surgery, the nursing care, and the take-home prescriptions. There are no hidden costs or after-you-get-home physician or anesthesia bills arriving. (Note: Snacks & Drinks are not included).

State-of-the-art surgical equipment with US medical trained Dr. Alvarez as the lead surgeon. It is possible to have sleeve surgery in Mexico at a price less than what we charge, but to stay current with the latest technology requires a considerable investment, and we guarantee that all of our patients will have their surgery at Endohospital, which is designated as a Center of Excellence located in a real and complete HOSPITAL under 24-hour medical care.

Results without complications. Dr. Alvarez and his surgical team of bariatric doctors and nurses only accept 3 to 5 sleeve patients daily. You were not just a number when you chose Endobariatric. To offer a lower cost, other Mexican physicians must perform more daily surgeries. Dr. Alvarez is committed to quality over quantity. He has perfected his technique and takes his time with each patient so that complications (possible leak, nausea, severe pain) only occur in less than 1% of patients. Dr. Alvarez achieved SRC accreditation as a Master Surgeon in Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery in 2012 and is recognized for his commitment to delivering excellence in patient safety and care.

100% unconditional satisfaction. If you are a rare patient who develops a leak. Dr. Alvarez will perform surgery at his facility to fix the leak at no additional cost. Once you become his patient, he stands behind his work 100%. When you leave the hospital, you’ll have a direct line to contact us for any questions.

Remember – your health, safety, and weight loss success are the #1 priority at Endobariatric.


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From our blog

Latest articles from our blog.
06 March

Is It Safe to Have Gastric Sleeve Surgery If I Have Type 2 Diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes is a serious diagnosis that often inspires patients to make significant changes to their lifestyle and diet. If you are struggling with obesity and diabetes, gastric sleeve surgery can be a beacon of hope. Still, you may be wondering whether it is safe for someone with Type...

26 February

Can Gastric Sleeve Surgery Relieve PCOS?

The reasons behind the decision to undergo vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG or gastric sleeve) are as individual as the patients themselves. But it’s usually some combination of health and appearance (no judgment on the appearance part—we all deserve to look and feel our best!). For some women, however, the driving...

19 February

How Much Weight Can You Lose with Gastric Sleeve?

As a bariatric surgeon, my primary concern is to help my patients lead long, healthy, happy lives. However, I understand that for many of my patients, the first question is how much weight they can expect to lose through gastric sleeve. Looking better and feeling better usually go hand in...

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