Obesity is a problem in the United States, and it's only getting worse. The CDC reports that more than 36 percent of American adults are obese, as are 12.5 million children and adolescents. Michelle Obama has made childhood obesity a primary focus as First Lady. For individuals who have already found themselves several pounds overweight ...
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Healthy obesity”” turns unhealthy
In recent years, some research has suggested that it's possible to be both obese and healthy. But now a study by scientists at University College, London debunks that notion, concluding that obesity almost always becomes unhealthy. Researchers observed 2,500 medically obese people over the span of 20 years with 66 of these people classified as ...
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Q&A’s: Sleeve Blush
Sleeve blush Hello everyone and welcome to our frequently asked questions, I'm Doctor Alvarez and on this episode I'd like to address something that is very common the first 24-48 hours after surgery and that is something I call the sleeve blush. Some patients, not everyone, will develop a red face, red neck and even ...
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Improvement and in some cases resolution of comorbidities are the more notable benefits of sleeve gastrectomy, there are other advantages such as improvements in weight loss, cost-savings and a better quality of life. Health conditions resolved or improved due to sleeve gastrectomy procedures: -Health Condition ----- % of Gastric Sleeve Gastrectomy Type 2 Diabetes Controlled ...
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Q&A’s: Low BMI
Hello and welcome to our section of frequently asked questions, I'm Doctor Alvarez with endobariatric.com and on this episode we'll talk about what a patient with a low BMI can expect with a gastric sleeve. In this category I'll like to include anybody who has a starting point of a 37 BMI or less at ...
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Weight regain after the gastric sleeve
Hello and welcome to our frequently asked questions, I'm Dr. Alvarez with endobariatric.com and on this episode we'll talk about something you may see a lot online and on several boards that focus on the gastric sleeve or weight loss surgery. I actually received this request from a patient on Youtube who asked if I ...
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Q&A’s: Returning to work.
Hello, I'm Doctor Alvarez and this weeks question of the week is when can I return to work? The answer varies of course depending on your job, but for most desk jobs we recommend 5-7 days depending on your activity level. Now some people may return a bit earlier and I've seen patients go back ...
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LEADERS IN WEIGHT LOSS AND BARIATRIC SURGERY Dr. Guillermo Alvarez is a highly skilled weight loss surgeon located in Piedras Negras, Mexico. He specialized in numerous forms of laparoscopic bariatric surgery but has a specific interest in the gastric sleeve (VSG) procedure. Dr. Alvarez is board certified, an active member of the Society of American ...
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Why We are different?
Hello, I'm doctor Alvarez with Endobariatric.com. Today I want to take the time to explain and let you know what makes us different from other medical center out there regarding the Gastric Sleeve procedure in particular. First of all, that is what we do. THE GASTRIC SLEEVE. That is what we focus on ONLY. Unlike other ...
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