Change Your Stars

Your present state doesn’t dictate your future self. Anything you don’t like can be changed. Including you! Yep, that’s right. The power to change isn’t always easy, but with the right support system it’s very much doable.  Years ago, I watched a movie called “A Knights Tale” and in that movie a young William asks ...
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The Grossest FDA Approved Weight Loss Invention That Sucks

Another strange device enters the marketguaranteeing you will lose weight more naturally. Amazingly the Food and Drug Administration approved it for anyone 22 years and older who has struggled to lose weight. After reading the various write ups and seeing the videos I sincerely question the validity of this apparatus. You see this weight loss product ...
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Be A Loser, But Not With This Reality TV Show!

The Biggest Loser became a highly popular TV show for NBC and it seemed to have given millions of viewers the motivation to lose weight. Unfortunately, like so many reality shows the truth is not always evident and the outcomes not what they seem. The concept of the television show was to follow contestants through ...
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Amy’s Story & Review of The #AskDrA Book

Thank you for giving me the chance to preview The #AskDrA Book.   The first and best thing I can say about it, “What a great, quick and extremely informative read it is!” I was excited to receive the email informing me I was chosen to review a copy of the book but had to ...
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The #AskDrA Book: Coming Soon!

Over the last 9 months we’ve taken your questions and used them to make The #AskDrA Show a huge success. Hundreds of gastric sleeve, weight loss and health related questions covering 40 plus episodes so far.    It’s been exciting to say the least. We’ve filmed in Dubai, Boston, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, in my office, the ...
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Staying Hydrated Before and After Sleeve Surgery

Staying Hydrated...It's That Important! Maybe you've heard me say how important staying hydrated is and it just didn't sink in. Or you read about the benefits and dismissed it as something not too important. Well, let me tell you, staying hydrated is the best thing you can do for your overall health. Coffee, tea, soda, fruit ...
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Vitamins After Sleeve Surgery

Should you take them? Is it recommended? Which form? When should I start? Are they safe? These are just some of the questions I receive about taking vitamins after sleeve surgery. You body is adjusting not only after bariatric surgery but to the weight loss that will occur as a result of the procedure itself, ...
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