When You’re NOT Hungry After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Among the top benefits of gastric sleeve surgery is a reduction in ghrelin, the “hunger hormone.” Naturally, patients expect their appetite to decrease after the procedure. But what if your appetite disappears altogether? As I’ve said many times, everyone is different, and yes, some patients go through prolonged periods where they simply aren’t hungry. Here ...
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Carb Cycling and Gastric Sleeve

I’m a huge fan of low-carb diets after gastric sleeve surgery because the “rules” are simple, and it delivers consistent results. But the best diet is the one you’ll follow. Some of my patients can’t maintain a low-carb way of eating long term; others don’t like the way it makes them feel. Carb cycling, a ...
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Get Back to Eating Well: Self-Care Steps for VSG Patients

Gone off track in your healthy eating plan after having gastric sleeve surgery? You’re in good company. Ask around, and you probably won’t find a single sleever who hasn’t, at some point, indulged in a period of less-than-healthy eating. Because it’s so common, it’s important to understand the steps that lead back to a good ...
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Why are my loved ones trying to talk me out of Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

When you’re thinking about something as life-changing as gastric sleeve surgery, it’s natural to share your plans with loved ones. You hope to get positive reinforcement—and many patients do—but sometimes friends and family pour cold water on your desire for bariatric surgery like VSG. Why? There are a number of reasons, most of which come ...
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What to Expect Before and After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

For most people, making the decision to undergo gastric sleeve surgery is both exciting ad nerve-wracking. Exciting because it’s the first step to a healthier, fitter, more rewarding life. Nerve-wracking because, well, they’ve probably never done anything like it before! The best way to ease any nervousness is to understand what to expect right before ...
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Gastric Sleeve Puzzles

Sometimes being a gastric sleeve patient means learning to navigate the world in a whole new way. Snacking and eating in restaurants are everyday things you probably haven’t thought much about in decades, right? Even if you weren’t consuming the “right” foods, you knew what to do. But life with a sleeve means reevaluating how ...
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Will Gastric Sleeve Surgery Endanger Your Relationship?

The decision to undergo gastric sleeve surgery is, by necessity, a selfish one. You’re taking the time, money, and mental energy to focus on yourself and your health—maybe for the first time in your life. And that’s a good thing. But if you’re in a relationship, it’s nearly impossible for a major life change NOT ...
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Documenting Weight Loss After a Gastric Sleeve

If you’re my patient, you will lose weight after gastric sleeve surgery. And while many people look forward to it, too few consider how they’ll document the process until they’re well into the weight loss journey. Why is it important? For a number of reasons, actually, including the fact that most gastric sleeve patients will hit a ...
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The Best Advice from Gastric Sleeve Veterans

Every week, I offer prospective and current gastric sleeve patients guidance, tips, and information through these blogs. But this week, I’m going straight to the real expects: experienced sleevers who’ve “been there, done that” and have the advice to prove it. On life after surgery “The sleeve is still just a tool. Tools don’t work ...
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