A Word About Goal-Setting After Gastric Sleeve

Immediately following vertical sleeve gastrectomy, your initial goals are pretty simple: get the recommended amount of water each day, find ways to sip protein until your stomach is ready for more solid food, and walk a bit even if you don’t feel like it. But after you’ve had the sleeve for a while, goals take ...
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Getting to Know and Love Yourself After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Going into VSG, you may have believed the procedure was only about weight loss. Now you know that it affects your entire life. You’re doing things that, perhaps, you never thought you could. My patients change daily, but their heads sometimes struggle to keep up with these new realities. Getting to know—and, yes, love—who you ...
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Life After Gastric Sleeve Surgery Isn’t Always Easy

Even with all of the information we give patients before they undergo bariatric surgery in our Mexico practice, I often get the sense that many expect the weight loss process to be fairly effortless. Sometimes it is. Most of the time it’s not. And guess what? That’s okay. I know, I know: easy victories sound ...
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Getting to a “Yes” Mindset After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Since VSG surgery came into your life, it may feel like all you’ve been doing is saying “yes” to new things. You decided to undergo the vertical sleeve gastrectomy procedure, you had bariatric surgery (in Mexico!), and you’ve had to conform to a new gastric sleeve diet. But you’re probably also stuck in some pretty ...
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The Busy Person’s Guide to Losing Weight After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Life doesn’t usually stop just because you’ve decided to get VSG. You still have the same commitments: work, family, friends, church, community. And on top of those things, you now have to work with your gastric sleeve diet and fitness needs. Or worse, maybe your already-hectic schedule suddenly becomes even more hectic—going back to work ...
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Skin Removal Surgery After Gastric Sleeve

Thanks to your VSG and a lot of hard work, you’ve reached your weight and health goals. Congratulations! Only one thing is marring your happiness: all of the excess skin left behind. It’s a common complaint among gastric sleeve patients, especially if their weight loss can be counted in the hundreds of pounds. Some people ...
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