Support Questions Before and After Surgery

Usually, more information is better, especially when it comes to procedures like VSG. But there are some situations where not knowing absolutely everything can actually be beneficial. As anyone who’s ever had gastric sleeve in Mexico with Endobariatric can tell you, our medical team gives out lots of information. Lots. We tell you what to ...
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Binge Eating: How To Overcome an Eating Disorder

Letting go of an eating disorder is undoubtedly a difficult and personal journey. Each individual takes a unique path to overcoming binge eating disorder, and no single solution can offer the promise of easy recovery. It is important to seek the guidance of a qualified bariatric medical professional that is experienced in treating patients with ...
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How Gastric Sleeve Can Help Relieve Chronic Pain

Struggling with obesity and the pain associated with it can make it challenging for you to do the things you enjoy. I can help relieve your chronic pain and help you reclaim your life with gastric sleeve surgery. Weight-related Pain If your weight is not properly managed, it can lead to chronic pain. Excess weight ...
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Handling Criticism About Your Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Veteran VSG patients know that the only certain things in life are death, taxes…and criticism. If you’ve been overweight or obese for more than five minutes, you’ve probably received unkind comments from both strangers and loved ones. Unfortunately, the judgment doesn’t end when you become thinner. It just takes new paths. Here are the most ...
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Learning to Listen to Your Stomach After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Many things change after vertical sleeve gastrectomy, but perhaps the most jarring is the amount of food you’re able to consume. The difference might not hit you until you resume eating “normal” foods following the liquids and soft foods stages. When you do realize how little your stomach allows now, as opposed to the quantities ...
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Gastric Sleeve in Mexico: Are You Really Ready to Change?

You’re considering bariatric surgery in Mexico because you want to lose weight. So you must be ready for it, right? Well, maybe. Wanting to lose weight doesn’t mean you’re prepared to make the changes necessary to achieve substantial weight loss after your vertical sleeve gastrectomy and then maintain that healthy weight for a lifetime. So ...
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