Before & after gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico

Questions and Answers

Dr. Alvarez answers frequently asked questions regarding the gastric sleeve surgery.

Vsg Q&A’S: Comparing Your Weight Loss

** Individual results may vary

Exercise & Sleeve | Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy | Questions and Answer

** Individual results may vary

Vsg Q&A’S: Last Few Pounds

** Individual results may vary

Bowel Movements | Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy | Questions and Answers

** Individual results may vary

Acid Reflux (GERD) | Gastric Sleeve Surgery | Questions and Answers

** Individual results may vary

Hiccups After Surgery | Gastric Sleeve Surgery | Questions and Answers

** Individual results may vary

Vsg Q&A’S: Expected Weight Loss

** Individual results may vary

Vsg Q&A’S: What Is A Bougie?

** Individual results may vary

Who Is A Candidate | Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy | Questions and Answers

** Individual results may vary

From our blog

Latest articles from our blog.
18 September

Strategies for the Pre-Op phase of your Gastric Sleeve Surgery

You’ve made the decision to have vertical sleeve gastrectomy, and you’re so excited to get started. The first couple of days on the pre-op diet are going well; it’s definitely a change, but it’s worth it to prepare you for VSG. But then one day you hit a brick wall...

11 September

Get back on track with your Gastric Sleeve

When the world around you seems to be spinning out of control, your VSG lifestyle can take a hit. Whether it’s a global pandemic or something closer to home—relationship problems, job loss, or health crisis—your gastric sleeve diet and exercise regimen may fall to the bottom of your priority list....

04 September

Research Finds Bariatric Surgery a More Effective Long-Term Solution Than Medication

We've all heard a lot of buzz about weight loss injections lately, and my patients often ask: Are they effective? How do they compare to bariatric surgery? In this blog, I dive into the latest information about weight loss injections and how they stack up to bariatric surgery. The Struggle...

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