Before & after gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico

Questions and Answers

Dr. Alvarez answers frequently asked questions regarding the gastric sleeve surgery.

Sex After Surgery | Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy | Questions and Answers

** Individual results may vary

Vsg Q&A’S: Gastric Plication Vs Sleeve

** Individual results may vary

Vsg Q&A’S: Bypass Vs Gastric Sleeve

** Individual results may vary

Vsg Q&A’S: The Book

** Individual results may vary

Vsg Q&A’S: Lapband Vs Gastric Sleeve

** Individual results may vary

What is Gastric Sleeve Surgery? | Gastric Sleeve Surgery | Questions and Answers

** Individual results may vary

Sleeve Stretching | Gastric Sleeve Surgery | Questions and Answers

** Individual results may vary

Swollen Sleeve | Gastric Sleeve Surgery | Questions and Answers

** Individual results may vary

Converting from Lapband to Gastric Sleeve | Gastric Sleeve Surgery | Questions and Answers

** Individual results may vary

From our blog

Latest articles from our blog.
16 October

When to Stop Losing Weight After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

When they first get gastric sleeve, most patients are thinking solely about losing weight—not when and how to stop the process. For folks who’ve spent most of their lives overweight or obese, the idea of losing too much weight is almost laughable. But knowing when and how to stop shedding...

09 October

The Role of a Primary Care Doctor After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Finding the right surgeon to perform your vertical sleeve gastrectomy is top of mind for most patients considering bariatric surgery in Mexico. And while that is, indeed, the most important factor, you’ll interact most with your primary care physician in the years ahead. That’s why it’s critical to understand the...

03 October

Portion Sizes After the Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Mexico

Right after vertical sleeve gastrectomy, it may seem impossible that you’ll ever be able to eat more than a few bites at a time ever again. But as your body heals, you will be able to eat small meals. In fact, as time goes by, some VSG patients feel like...

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