Patients who have had surgery from another country other than the US or Mexico.
Strangely enough, many patients find that water requires more thought and elicits more consternation after vertical sleeve gastrectomy than at any other time in their lives. Why? The rules are different. Or perhaps I should say that, post-sleeve, you need to commit to following some rules you may have heard...
Whether it’s January 1st or the middle of the summer, many VSG patients decide they need to refocus on their health goals. Maybe the scale is inching upward; maybe you’re still supposed to be in the losing phase but the scale hasn’t moved in months. Or your resolutions might have...
What would it feel like to start the new year without a resolution about weight loss? Millions of overweight and obese individuals can’t begin to imagine such freedom, but my VSG patients have the luxury of dedicating the coming year to family, career, hobbies—anything except weight loss! Here’s what it...
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just 8 blocks away from the
U.S. border