Before & after gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico

Before & After Weight Loss Surgery
at Endohospital Bariatric Surgery Center

Tired of suffering the effects of
weight related illnesses?

NOTE: You are about to see the widest gallery of “before and after” pictures from a single surgeon.

From our blog

Latest articles from our blog.
11 September

Get back on track with your Gastric Sleeve

When the world around you seems to be spinning out of control, your VSG lifestyle can take a hit. Whether it’s a global pandemic or something closer to home—relationship problems, job loss, or health crisis—your gastric sleeve diet and exercise regimen may fall to the bottom of your priority list....

04 September

Research Finds Bariatric Surgery a More Effective Long-Term Solution Than Medication

We've all heard a lot of buzz about weight loss injections lately, and my patients often ask: Are they effective? How do they compare to bariatric surgery? In this blog, I dive into the latest information about weight loss injections and how they stack up to bariatric surgery. The Struggle...

28 August

Beating “Diet Fatigue” After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Whether your vertical sleeve gastrectomy was a few months ago or a few years ago, nearly everyone gets “diet fatigue” at some point. You may not know what it’s called, but you might be experiencing it right now: feeling just plain sick of watching what you eat and exercising. So...

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