When Endobariatric first started many many years ago our very first patient came from the United States. Back then, medical tourism really wasn’t a term, but now a whole industry has sprung up to help patients understand the benefits of traveling outside of their respective countries to obtain medical care. With over 10,000 patients we ...
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Category: Gastric sleeve
The #AskDrA Book 2: Easy & Practical Answers To Enjoying Life As A New Sleever
In May 2016, my team and I set out to help more people understand the benefits of vertical sleeve gastrectomy by launching Vol. 1 of the #AskDrA Book. The book was based on the hugely successful #AskDrA Show which airs every week on YouTube, Facebook and other social networks. This book is Vol. 2 and ...
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I Googled “Weight Loss Surgery” and Found Dr. Alvarez
Nothing Ever Worked Until...I Found Dr. Alvarez! I battled with weight my entire life from early childhood until 36 years old. It was always a struggle and became even worse when I developed hypothyroidism in my early 30's. I tried every diet plan, exercise plan, medication, and gimmick in the book. Nothing ever worked! Thank ...
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The Best Advice Sleevers Give To Those Considering Gastric Sleeve Surgery
You hear these wonderful stories about patients who have lost a considerable amount of weight with the help of the gastric sleeve procedure. You think, “Wow, their transformation is incredible”. You wonder if you could do it too. But you still have concerns about the surgery and how it would work for you. You read ...
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Questions to Ask Before Considering Weight Loss Surgery
When something doesn’t seem right do you speak your mind, do you try to help, do you ask questions and do you try to fix that which is wrong? You see time after time I hear from past patients who offered support to friends or family members by going along with them to their local ...
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The Grossest FDA Approved Weight Loss Invention That Sucks
Another strange device enters the marketguaranteeing you will lose weight more naturally. Amazingly the Food and Drug Administration approved it for anyone 22 years and older who has struggled to lose weight. After reading the various write ups and seeing the videos I sincerely question the validity of this apparatus. You see this weight loss product ...
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Be A Loser, But Not With This Reality TV Show!
The Biggest Loser became a highly popular TV show for NBC and it seemed to have given millions of viewers the motivation to lose weight. Unfortunately, like so many reality shows the truth is not always evident and the outcomes not what they seem. The concept of the television show was to follow contestants through ...
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The AskDrA Book: Easy & Practical Answers To Enjoying Life As A New Sleever
In 2015, my team and I set out to help more people understand the benefits of vertical sleeve gastrectomy by creating the #AskDrA Show. The show quickly became a popular resource on social media for those not only considering the weight loss procedure but for those who underwent the life changing surgery. The #AskDrA Book is ...
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Brandi’s Thoughts On The #AskDrA Book And Her Endobariatric Experience!
First of all, a huge Thank YOU, for choosing me to be a Beta Reader for the #AskDrA Book. Such an honor! This book is one I could not put down. Although, I have already been sleeved it was an awesome learning experience for me still. As I was reading the book I kept noticing I would set ...
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