Gastric sleeve surgery is a tool designed to help you lose substantial amounts of weight and become healthy. So why do I talk about exercise so much, especially considering that “abs are made in the kitchen”? While it’s true that what you eat has much more impact on how many pounds you shed than exercise ...
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Category: Gastric sleeve
Babies and Gastric Sleeve
I perform gastric sleeve on patients from teens to seniors, and their questions run the gamut from how soon they can return to football practice to whether Medicare covers the procedure. But among women of childbearing years, questions about pregnancy are standard. The good news-bad news situation: Pregnancy is not only possible afterward, but it’s ...
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What are my Odds of Complications After Gastric Sleeve?
No matter how excited you are to begin your gastric sleeve journey toward a healthier, happier life, it’s normal to worry about potential complications. It issurgery, after all. While there’s no way to predict whether a patient will experience complications, I can confidently say that the risk is crazy low for my patients. Before I get ...
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Can You Lose Too Much Weight After Gastric Sleeve?
Gastric sleeve patients have struggled with being overweight or obese for years—maybe even a lifetime. So the concept that one can lose too much weight seems very foreign. The good news/bad news: Shedding too many pounds usually isn’t an issue for gastric sleeve patients. But it’s certainly possible to get on such a weight loss ...
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All About Water: Getting Enough Fluids After Gastric Sleeve
Who would have thought something as simple as water could cause so much anxiety for gastric sleeve patients? But it does. And I get it. Like many other things in your life, your relationship with liquids will change after your gastric sleeve procedure. So here’s a tutorial on getting enough fluids without losing your mind ...
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Weight Stalls
Hitting Stalls on Your Gastric Sleeve Journey After having the gastric sleeve procedure, my patients are flying high. Every day is a new adventure in how much weight has dropped off and what size clothing they now fit into. But then one day, the scale doesn’t move. It doesn’t move the next day, either, or ...
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Looking Your Best: Q&A About Your Body After Gastric Sleeve
Gastric sleeve surgery is, hands down, one of the best ways to dramatically improve your overall health and increase your longevity. If wellbeing was the only reason to have the procedure, it would be enough. But my patients also get to look forward to a lifetime of looking and feeling more attractive, sometimes for the ...
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4 Ways Your Life Improves After Gastric Sleeve Surgery
If you’ve thought about gastric sleeve surgery for more than a minute, you’ve probably imagined the ultimate benefit: dramatic (but healthy) weight loss. I mean, that’s the goal, right? But have you considered what that weight loss will actually mean for you? The best people to ask about how life changes, beyond wearing smaller clothing ...
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Which Diet is Best for Gastric Sleeve Patients?
Low-carb, low-fat, vegan…plus about a million other diets for gastric sleeve patients to consider. When you’re trying to decide on a way of eating after your procedure, the options seem endless. And confusing. Today, I’m discussing the pros and cons of several popular diets, and while I have my personal opinions, please remember that the ...
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