Category: Gastric sleeve

5 Willpower Tips for Your Gastric Sleeve Surgery Journey

Even with the tool you received during gastric sleeve in Mexico, willpower still comes into play as you lose weight and then maintain a healthy weight. But Dr. A, you may think, if I had willpower, I wouldn’t have needed VSG! The truth is that willpower alone won’t help many overweight and obese patients, but ...
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Calming Anxiety Before Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Vertical sleeve gastrectomy is a medical procedure, so it’s completely normal to have some anxiety as your surgery date approaches. Some of my patients are too excited to feel stressed, but I would say the majority have at least a little bit of nervousness. Not surprisingly, one of the questions I hear most often is, ...
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Do’s and Don’ts After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Technically, I’m the expert in vertical sleeve gastrectomy. My team and I have performed tens of thousands of VSGs over the years, perfecting our technique as we concentrate solely on that one procedure. But I’ve never had a VSG myself. So I would contend that the patients who’ve experienced gastric sleeve in our Mexico hospital ...
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Tips for Working Out Without a Gym

Many people have a hard time making it to the gym to exercise during the week. If you want to stay on track with your fitness goals, you should have a few different workout options for days when it’s just not possible to get to the gym. Here are a few tips. Embrace the Outdoors ...
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Portion Sizes After the Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Right after vertical sleeve gastrectomy, it may seem impossible that you’ll ever be able to eat more than a few bites at a time ever again. But as your body heals, you will be able to eat small meals. In fact, as time goes by, some VSG patients feel like they can eat more than ...
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Changing Your Environment After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

With vertical sleeve gastrectomy, you get a tool that provides a significant advantage in your efforts to lose weight and become the healthiest you. But as every sleever can attest, weight loss still requires plenty of effort on the patient’s part. Though it can be difficult or even painful, one of the most powerful things ...
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How can the Gastric Sleeve Surgery lead to a happier you!

I believe in telling the truth about vertical sleeve gastrectomy, which is why we’ve dedicated plenty of space to addressing the very real mental and emotional adjustments some people face after VSG. But we haven’t talked nearly as much about the fact that, for a lot of overweight and obese people, mental health takes a ...
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Calming the Pre-Gastric Sleeve Surgery Food Freak Out

I’m guessing a pretty high percentage of pre-VSG patients can relate to Teresa, who confesses to being in “freak out mode” and trying to squeeze in plenty of meals she figures will be off-limits once she’s committed to the gastric sleeve diet. Rest assured that these so-called “food funerals” are simply a fear response, rather ...
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